Is LumiLor a revolutionary form of paint or is LumiLor a revolutionary form of light?
Yes. The answer is undoubtedly, yes. LumiLor is technically electroluminescent paint which can be thought of as light up paint.
Do you remember the vintage Reese's Peanut Butter Cup commercials
where two people unexpectedly bump into each other and discover the wonderful combination of chocolate and peanut butter? Each delicious on its own but combining together to create something even better. That's not a bad analogy for LumiLor except the ingredients are paint and light.
LumiLor is light. You can turn anything into a lightbulb without changing its form or function by applying LumiLor to it. Anything you can do with a lightbulb you can do with LumiLor
Turn it on and off on demand
Control its brightness with a dimmer
Sound activation
Motion activation
LumiLor is paint which means it can be applied in an infinite number of designs on just about any substrate. And because it produces light, you can enhance LumiLor with translucent topcoats such as
Candy colors
Custom airbrushing
Chrome finishes
LumiLor Sample Shapes, availalbe at the LumiLor Online Store, are a great way to get your hands on a sample of LumiLor to see for yourself how LumiLor produces a consistently even light even over curved surfaces. You can also experiment with your own topcoating techniques on your LumiLor Sample Shape.
LumiLor a revolutionary form of paint and LumiLor is a revolutionary form of light.
What will you create with LumiLor?
Chrome and Black Chrome finishes by Paint Design in Rebais, France
Hydrographics by J.A. Kustoms in Brunswick, OH